Make A Plan to Vote
Election Day November 5th
Starting Sept. 24th, you can vote absentee by mail by applying for a ballot or vote absentee in person* at the Election Board if you have a reason, like being disabled or expecting to be out of town on Election Day.
* You will need a government-issued photo ID to vote in person before Election Day.
Starting Oct. 22nd, you can vote early in person* (no reason needed) at one of the following locations:
* You will need a government-issued photo ID to vote in person before Election Day.
City Voting Locations Opening Oct 22nd:
(Monday through Saturday. Hours vary by location. Call 314-622-4336 for info)
- Election Board
- Buder Library
- Carpenter Branch Library
- Divoll Library
- Walnut Park Library
- Kingshighway Branch Library
- Schlafly Library
- Wohl Center
County Voting Locations in or near District Opening Oct. 22nd:
(Hours Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm, Saturday 9am-1pm)
- Election Board
- Jamestown Bluffs Library
- North County Rec Complex
- Lewis & Clark Branch Library
- Mid-County Branch Library
- Clark Family Branch Library
- UMSL Millennium Student Center
- Thornhill Branch Library
Other County Locations: Grand Glaize Branch Library • Oak Bend Branch Library • Grants View Branch Library • Daniel Boone Branch Library • Wildwood City Hall • Cliff Cave Branch Library
On Election Day, City voters can vote at ANY City polling place and STLCO voters can vote at ANY STLCO polling place. Polling places are open 6am-7pm.
If you do not have a photo ID, you can use a special signature-match ballot on Election Day!
Need a ride to vote? Call APRI at 314-562-0411
City Election Board (300 N. Tucker): 314-622-4336
County Election Board (Old NW Plaza Mall): 314-615-VOTE
Questions? Call the STL League of Women Voters at 314-961-6869
If you have a current governement photo ID you have more voting choices!
To vote absentee in person before Election Day or via a regular ballot on Election Day, you will need to show a government-issued photo ID, like a MO driver's license, MO state ID, military ID, or passport, that is current or expired after November 8th, 2022. Your Current address does not need to match the address on the ID.
If you don't have a current government photo ID you can still vote!
If you don't have one of those IDs, you can vote absentee by mail before Election Day (as long as you are not a first-time voter in MO) or votein person at a polling place on Election Day using a special signature-match ballot that will be counted if your signature matches the signature the Election Board has on file.